You might have come across the name WordPress at some point of time while searching information regarding building websites. But before proceeding with this article, one misconception has to be cleared. Often people associate WordPress with blog, that it is used for only blog websites. This is a huge misconception that needs to be cleared. WordPress is not only used to build blog websites, it can be used to build any type of websites like business website or personal website. One thing that you cannot do on WordPress is you cannot host a website for that you will be needing a hosting provider. Even web development companies prefer using WordPress due to the benefits associated with it.
Now let us move on to the reasons why one should build their website on WordPress.
Following are the 7 Benefits of building a WordPress Website:
- Free: WordPress is a free software that you could install. It has a quite a good collection of free themes that you could make use of for designing your own website. Free themes of WordPress in itself are quite good in terms of design but still if you want something more beautiful looking then you can always go for premium themes.
- Easy support: Being one of the most popular software has its own advantages. Since the number of people using this software is not less, support and help regarding any issues can be easily found. Premium WordPress features comes with live chat option where in support can be easily accessed. But even if you are not using premium features don’t worry about getting support. There are WordPress forums and communities out there on the internet where you can easily find an answer to your problems.
- Easy to Use: You do not have to be a website designer to use WordPress for creating website. Non-technical people also can easily use this software as it is not complicated and has a lot of inbuilt website templates that you can modify as per your requirements. And if you want to get advanced with the website you can always customize it by using the different plugin options available.
- Reliable: As it is free, easy to use and has great support system, WordPress is considered to be one of the most reliable platforms. Many people irrespective of the size of their requirement make use of WordPress as it is safe and popular. If you want to check the reliability of a software without using it, just check its popularity. When it comes to technologies popular ones are those that people found reliable and worth to use. In this case WordPress won’t disappoint you.
- SEO Friendly: Research shows that WordPress sites tends to rank better than normal websites. This is because WordPress websites tends to be coded in a manner that easily attracts the search engines towards it. Also WordPress comes with SEO plugins that allows you to optimise your website in a better way.
- Fast loading websites: No one prefers a website that loads slow. There are many factors that affects the loading speed of a website. With WordPress website these factors are taken care of by providing solutions to resolve them. For instance one of the common factors of slow running website is usage of high resolution image files that takes time to load. In WordPress website there are plugins that you could use to size down the image file without affecting its quality.
- Security: Website security is one of those things that keeps the website creators always on the run. It’s one of the top concerning factors of a website. With WordPress you won’t have to worry as security wise it has an image of a safe website. If the version is kept on updated as and when the updates come then the websites are going to stay safer.
- Free to Use

Benefits wise WordPress has kept its stand of being a go to option for any person with a website requirement.

Especially due to the ability of easy management systems. Even web design companies vote for WordPress as a go to option for building websites as quality wise it is the best in the market

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