Due to the similarity in terms of design and content, people often confuse between a homepage and a landing page of the website. They are not to be blamed as the differences are minute and are a bit on the technical side, which a website design company is more aware of than a normal person. But knowing the difference between these two pages would help people at the time when they decide of having a website of their own. Business officials would be enjoying a lot of benefits with having the knowledge of differences between these two pages.
Following are the four points of differences between a homepage and a landing page:
- One way to differentiate between homepage and landing page is presence of navigation links. Homepages usually have navigation links that helps the user to navigate to other pages of the website. Landing pages has no navigation links, and that is one of the key features of a landing page. Purpose of landing pages is to convert the customer, therefore no kinds of distractions are allowed on this page. By presenting navigation links in landing page user would get distracted and that is not the purpose of landing page.

- Homepage has varied content whereas landing page has specified content. Homepage content is framed in a manner to enlighten the user about the website, the business, its products and services etc. Whereas in case of landing page, content is framed in a manner to convert the user into customer. When a user lands on your landing page, they are already aware about your business and what it has to offer. So explaining in detail about it won’t be necessary, rather what would be important is to describe the benefits of the products or services.
- One of the major difference lies in one particular factor and that is the target audience or visitor. Homepage audiences are particularly people who are visiting your website without much background knowledge. Whereas landing page audience have knowledge about your products or services. Usually visitors land on landing page via any paid promotions done by the business. After clicking on the ad that they saw they land on your landing page, therefore they have an exact idea of what they are there for.

- Another form to differentiate between homepage and landing page is by having a close look at the call to action buttons. Landing pages have call to action buttons that are more specific and are driven to convert the user at any cost into customer. Whereas in homepage it is bit more generalized, and many of the websites do not have call to action features on homepage.
So above were the differences among homepage and landing page, but one thing to be kept in mind is both pages have thier own importances. And a website and a business would incomplete without both of these pages. To know more about how landing pages are important check out Why landing page is important?.
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