Website for a business has become one of the major source for connecting with their customers. It has become a resource of generating more leads, which would eventually generate more sales. Something that holds this much importance should be extensively taken care of. Business websites design should be thoroughly thought of before its actual implementation begins. Many of the website design companies practise having a brainstorming session regarding how the design should be of a website before the actual design phase starts.

Working upon the design factors as it proceeds is a big no if pre-standards of designs are not set. Inculcating the owner’s visions and ideas into the design is an integral part for any web designer’s work. For that to happen a clear design structure is required. Clear design structure also helps out the web design companies from avoiding the common mistakes that is made while designing business websites. Now there are two different perspective of seeing the mistakes. Mistakes that affect the website functionality and optimization process. And secondly mistakes from the users perspective, which are more of on the non-technical sides of the website designing process. Some of the commonly made mistakes while designing a website are mentioned below:
- Content Mistakes: While speaking of commonly made mistakes in business website design, many of them are pertaining to content.
- Too much of content is one of the mistakes. Website filled with too much content would make the user feel very confused.
- Same goes with too less content. Less content would leave the users with doubts in their minds, as they won’t have a clear set of information.
- Another mistake made in terms of content is using high end language. Always remember that your website content is not just for making the website attractive and for boosting search engine optimization. At the end of the day content is for the user so write it in a language that can be easily understood by the users.
- Using incorrect fonts and font style to present content is also one of the common mistakes. Use proper font style and size depending upon where the content is placed. The motto is not to make it look fancy but to make it look good that is readable as well.

- Speed Mistakes: With technological advancements increasing day by day and making the previous versions obsolete, users have become use to everything updated. And one such factor that majorly affects the user experience of a business website is speed.
- Slow website load speed is one of the common mistakes. It costs any business website very badly if the loading time is very slow. Users would skip the website easily therefore increasing the bounce rate. To avoid making this mistake skip the usage of too many multimedia content as it slower the loading time.
- Second speed related mistake commonly made is in case of server response time. If the server is responding too slowly it will eventually impact the website loading as well. Just optimizing the website loading speed won’t be enough if server is responding too slowly.
- Website Design Norms: Another area of website designing where mistakes are commonly made is in case of following the norms. No matter what it is important that while designing business websites, web design companies follow the design norms. Missing any factor of design norms would be like hampering the overall website image that a user has in their minds. There are certain things that users are used to seeing in a website if these are hampered, user might abandon the website before even exploring it completely.
- Misplacing navigation bar, or hiding it is against the design norms. Navigation bars are something that guides the user throughout the website. It should be placed somewhere where it is easily visible.
- Inappropriate use of white-space is another common mistake. Users are visual beings and it is important that what they see in a website would make them want to stay and explore. White-space when used appropriately will grab the attention of the users to the piece of content that you wish to show them.
- Wrong placements of pop ups is another common mistake. Too many pop up advertisement would irritate the users. And more than that placing it in places that overlaps with some other important information is the biggest mistake.

Apart from this there are many other factors when done wrong would affect the entire website functionality and spoil the user experience. So to avoid these mistakes, best thing to do would be to invest time in researching about important factors of the website designs and then structure the design accordingly.
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