The normal time frame for any website to be modified is two to three years. The reason being technologies don’t last more than two or three years, an updated version comes out by that time. With technological advancements being at its peak, need for website updates have also increased. An outdate website is same as not having a website at all. Because it is going to do no good to its owner. For any business the motive behind creating website is to have online presence and attract the online traffic to their website. If the website is old and not up to the current market standards the website visitors are bound to abandon such sites.
But time is not the only factor that determines whether the need to redesign a website has arisen or not. Best web design companies suggest that following factors also determine the need whether to redesign a website or not:
- User friendly CMS: Does your current website has a user friendly content management system? If not then it is time that you think of redesigning your website from website design companies that provide you user friendly CMS. Not every time are you going to seek professional help? Minor changes or frequent updates can be done by yourself if your website comes along with user friendly content management system.

- SEO Issues: Are you not able to get your current website to rank in the top search engine results? Then it is time that you redesign your website and integrate SEO related factors that will give your website a boost in the search engine results. SEO related factors varies from using proper keywords along with quality content. Proper usage of titles and headings along with ensuring page speed and overall user experience.
- Mobile friendly website: Is your website mobile friendly? If the answer is no then website redesign need have arisen. Now are the times where mobile devices consume more than half of the online usage and crowd. Without having mobile friendly websites, it would be like willingly giving up on more than half of the potential customers.
- Customer feedback: If your customer have come up with the feedback related to your website of anything functioning not properly, then it is time you give a thought to it. Ignoring customer feedback would you sending out the message that their opinions are not being considered. And that is the worst thing a business can do. Look into the customer feedback data about the changes required. Because these are things that they are facing issue with, and you being the website owner is responsible for their better user experience.

- New product/ service: With the launch of new product or service, it is important that it is included in the website. This requires a thoughtfully structured redesign strategies. Not showing new products or services would be like displaying incomplete information on website. And also your customers won’t be able to find out about this new product or website without it being displayed on the website.
- Industry changes: Every industry is bound to go through some changes over time. And it is important for a business to stay updated with such changes. This again creates a scenario for website redesign because such changes have to be implemented on the website as well. Displaying them on website is showcasing the online world that you are not being outdated and are staying intact with the ongoing trends.

As mentioned in the start of this blog, time and technological changes are primary reasons for redesigning a website. Because this eventually leads to other factors as well which are mentioned in the blog. So experts like web design companies that specializes in redesigning website suggest their clients to frequently check out on going website trends. This way they will be able to know whether their website is lacking anything. And then there are the customers and website visitors who are always there to let the business know their performances, directly or indirectly.
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