Times have changed and with changing times methods of marketing also have changed. There was a time when companies use to invest a huge chunk of money in marketing their products and services with almost about zero knowledge about how or when is it going to create an impact on their customers or for the matter of fact they were even unaware if its reaching the right set of customers, and by right customers what is meant is the potential buyers of their products or services. So now the question that really matters here is won’t you want an exact result and knowledge about the results that is created by the money that you are investing? Now wouldn’t you prefer an option that gives you these exact results and that too at a cost less than what you have been investing until now?

This is where Digital Marketing comes into the picture, although it has been present amongst us for a long time it raised to popularity with the rise of social media platforms. These days almost everybody spends at least a bit of their time on the internet so why not to make use of it the most for your own business growth.
Following are some of the reasons as to why one should invest in digital marketing and how it’s going to benefit your business:
- First and foremost reason is it is cost effective, just imagine the amount of money invested in traditional marketing sources like printed ads and visual and audio advertisements, you are going to get better results with a lesser amount invested in digital marketing.
- You can reach a larger audience with digital marketing, and what more important is these set of audience are going to be your potential buyers as well as you have the power to select your target audience.
- At the end of the day your customer is your source of business growth, with online marketing you get an opportunity to know your customer better, social media marketing provides you a deeper analytics and lets you know to whom all your ad has reached, whether they liked it or not, did they share your advertisement with other people, what kind of customer are they from where they belong, what age group they belong and a lot more information.

- For smaller business, digital marketing is a way to increase their brand awareness, being present online is going to get them more reach and go beyond their physical set of boundaries.
- Whereas for larger business it is a way to stand apart from their competitors, to showcase themselves what uniqueness they possess.
- ROI (Return on Investment) for both types of business is going to be great because the end results is what matters and which is they are going to earn more money eventually than what they have invested.
- Research proves that digital marketing increases the sales as there is a higher conversion rate which is track able as well this will help a business in its future endeavours as well as they are aware what kind of strategies are going to get better results.

- These social media platforms have turned out to be a good source for business to interact with its customer, know what problems they are facing and deal with them immediately. This also creates a sense of belongings for the customer and they easily associate their brand loyalties with such brands who are always there to listen to them and provide exactly what they need.
So to conclude it can be said that these days everybody is online, whether be it your customers or your competitors no one is left behind in the race of being technology oriented, in fact you will notice that these days people are so engrossed in their phones that they forget to look around themselves, so why not you get your business online and make your presence on those thousands of devices that are used by people on an average of three hours daily surfing online, now that sounds promising for a better and wider reach of business.
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