The process of designing and developing a website is quite lengthy and involves different number of elements. Therefore it is quite normal to misplace some of the factors, the impact of the issue arises only if the website doesn’t goes under testing phase before launching the website. This is the reason why majority of the website design companies considers the testing phase the most important phase of website design process or web development process. Ultimately it’s the user experience which is on the line, and nor the client or the web development company would risk it at any cost. For a client its user is what matters the most therefore it is advisable for website developers to create a website keeping the user in mind. But the same advice goes to software testers who test the entire project, keep the user in mind and test the project accordingly. Below mentioned are some of the most common website bugs found in websites that are not tested before making it live:

- Browser Compatibility: Not every user is going to use the same internet browser. They have multiple options when it comes to selecting a browser to search something online. Therefore it is important that the website is designed and developed as per the popular web browsers. Many at times it happens that a website might function properly in one browser but may not function the same in other browser. So a website should be at least compatible with the popular set of browser extensions which are commonly used by a user like Google Chrome, Firefox or Safari.
- Broken Links: Another common bug found in website is broken links. Linking is important in a website not only for ease of navigation but from SEO perspective as well. But often mistake made by developers is while including a handful of links in a website they forget to check whether it is actually working or not. Broken links directly impacts user experience, users won’t be redirected to the page they are in search of and would be dissatisfied. Bad user experience eventually would impact the overall website performance.
- Form Validation: Very often this type of website bug is found in many websites. Not setting validations in forms makes it function badly. Basic example of setting form validation would be limiting characters in passwords or to make password strong asking the users to make use of alpha numerical characters. These doesn’t impacts the functionality much but is one of the cause of bad user experience. Imagine filling up a registration form again and again because some or the other error comes up and you are not able to register. It is frustrating right, so after a point of time the user might give up filling the form. And that form might be crucial for converting the user into customer. Therefore it is best to avoid making this mistake.

- Email Delivery: Another common website error found is failure of delivering emails. User might have to sign up to your website to avail any type of service, now if the email is not going out even after them signing up then it is a big problem. So it is always advisable to test this function prior to making the website live.
There are some other website errors as well which are bound to be made by web developers and designers and that is quite normal. What it is important for any website development company is to make sure that every aspect of a website irrespective of the fact if it is a major element or not is to test it properly. Even the smallest of error could lead to your client loosing its customers.
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