As times have changed, in order to keep in track with the changing trends, a noticeable shift is visible in companies marketing strategies, earlier traditional marketing was a trend but with the start of the Internet era nowadays everything is like if it is not online then it either doesn’t exists or is not genuine. This is where website comes into picture, and plays an important role in determining the marketing strategies that now has become online marketing.

The importance of website design in the marketing strategies of a business lies in the elements of website design, each element contributes to either determining the strategy or helping out the strategies to reach its final outcome. Key elements of a website design are:
- Website layout
- Colour scheme
- Typography
- Content (Text as well as Images and Videos)
- Ease of navigation
- Page load speed
- Feasibility
- Consistency
The website is kind of a online version of a sales representative of the company, and its elements and features are kind of like the skill sets that a representative has which are further moulded in such way that it contributes to business success. If we look into each element of web designing every single one of it is important for the marketing strategies.
Following points explain how each element of web designing is important from the marketing perspective:
- If we talk about website layout from marketing perspective, then think of it this way, you wish to convey it to the visitor what your business is all about and why they should choose you, if this information is not there on the homepage or the landing page of your website, visitors will leave the website as immediately as they came without even looking into what you have to offer, this way neither there would be brand awareness nor there will be any final leads, this is as well one of the key points that the best web designers out there always keep in mind at time of designing the website.
- Colour scheme and typography are factors related to the aesthetics of a website which if thought from marketing perspective has a subconscious effect on the customers, they won’t prefer to explore a website that doesn’t looks good to the eye and has very unpleasing combination of colours and fonts which again will cost you in terms of converting the visitors into prospects.
- Content is the key when it comes to online marketing, end result of any marketing strategy is to get sales, for that you require customers, now if we have to get customers visit our website we have to get the website out there on the internet. This is where search engine optimization comes into picture a key online marketing tool, by including keywords related to your business in the content it gives your content and edge and gets you placed in the search engine easily. Also search engines are always in search of new information, so by constantly adding new contents on the website will get your website noticeable, this way more your website will receive more traffic. Therefore content is always important both from website point of view as well as marketing point of view, if the content is not good there is no point of having a website at all.

- Ease of navigation and page load speed are again factors that affect the stay time of a visitor on your website, if a visitor is not able to navigate through pages easily, and every page is taking too much time to load then visitors are bound to leave your website halfway. Stay time of a visitor on the website is highly crucial from marketing perspective, if they are going to stay they are not going to buy.
- Feasibility here is in terms of the website being accessible from all types of devices, more simply put the website being responsive. Customer is the key element in marketing, and what is feasible to them should be feasible to the business as well. Nowadays more and more customers are switching to wireless devices like mobile phones and tablets, so one can say almost 80-90% of the people are using wireless devices, if your website is not compatible with the wireless devices then that is a very huge chunk of customer base that your business is going to lose.

- Consistency is managing same style of fonts and colour usage throughout every page which is necessary again in terms of aesthetics, which if not present will hamper the visitor stay time.
So is your business integrating the marketing strategies with the website design? If not it might be time for you to rethink and redesign the company website , get in touch with the best web designing companies in the market to get yourself a website that would integrate with your marketing strategies as these two things if thought from a different view point are elements that should go hand in hand to make the whole process cost effective and to achieve the best results possible.
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