Website header section is the first thing that is visible to the user after landing on your website. Therefore it is important that the website header is designed in an appropriate manner and also it fulfills its purpose of being useful to the users. Website headers are not mandatory, not all business websites have website header. It depends on what kind of strategies you have designed for your website interaction with its users. For instance if you wish your user should gain a brief information about the company and also you are planning to hold on to the users attention by giving options to navigate then having a header section would serve the purpose.
At the time of website designing, it is important to plan out the elements that would be included in the website header. This would help the web designer in integrating these elements into mobile website design as well. Due to screen size issue in mobile devices, not all the elements can be exactly shown in the way it is depicted in the computer version of the website.
Following are some of the elements that if included in your website header would make it look more professional and help out with improving the user experience as well:
- Company Logo: It would be highly unusual for a website header not to have the company logo with the company name. As a user the first thing you see after landing on a website is its name and the logo. As a website creator ensure that the logo inculcates all the elements of logo design in order to have a beautiful logo that the user will be able to connect with.
- Navigation links: Another common thing that is found in most of the website’s header are navigation links. Putting up navigation link in header section is important. Header sections remain permanent throughout the website pages. So with links present in the header section, the user can navigate easily from one page to another. User facing difficulties in locating navigation links is one of the major reasons of high bounce rate. So with navigation links present in the website header section, the issue of high bounce rate is also resolved.

- Contact Information: Showcasing contact information in website header is a common practice followed by many companies. Again reason being same, as website header sections remains fixed throughout the entire website, user can easily locate contact information. Contact information doesn’t necessarily includes every bit of contact information. Like for instance company address usually goes into the website footer section. In website header section as part of contact information companies usually includes contact numbers, WhatsApp number and email address.
- Call to action: Call to action is one of the important elements that should be included in the website header. Call to actions can be anything depending upon the nature of business. For instance if it’s a restaurant website then you may find call to action in form of book a table. Or if it’s a web development service company like ours you will find call to action in website header in form Get a Quote.

Above mentioned elements are general elements that you as user may find in most of the website’s header. Nature of business plays a major role in defining the elements that goes into a website’s header section. For instance an e-commerce website has completely different website architecture. Some of the elements that are usually found in the website headers of most of the companies are found in the footer section of the e-commerce website.
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